On the need for wellbeing programs in schools

Personal experience and logic both suggest to me that adolescence has, most probably, always been a time of angst. Young people have the awareness to understand the challenges in the world around them (and, often, a capacity to imagine the worst), but do not yet have the experience or autonomy to be able to do […]

The paradox that is servant leadership

“Good leaders must first become good servants”. This extraordinary, counter-intuitive leadership theory was first proposed by Robert Greenleaf in 1970 and has since become a highly regarded alternative to more traditional, top-down leadership paradigms. To better understand servant leadership, it is necessary to consider the key principles to servant leadership that were developed by Greenleaf, […]

Why the obsession with ATARs?

The weeks leading up to Christmas are often referred to as the “silly season” and I suggest that it has to do with more than just shopping. If you have high-school aged children, or if you have anything to do with schools, you can’t have failed to notice that there has been a lot of […]