Character & Virtues Matter

In an increasing number of schools, holistic education is expressed through an emphasis on character development. These schools have a vision to teach children “to become good people and good students at the same time” (Garber, 2014). These schools understand that they must “beware the temptation to believe that competence can be separated from character, that excellence can be defined in merely academic terms, without a corresponding concern for the kind of people we are” (Garber, 2014). Or, as Angela Duckworth put it – “Character is at least as important as intellect”.

According to Aristotle, character may be best understood in terms of the presence of virtues such as courage, temperance, benevolence, civility and integrity, while within a biblical worldview, character is expressed in the fruit of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, humility, self-control). These lists of virtues need not be mutually exclusive.

I would love to assist you in considering what your school believes “good character” looks like, and which virtues you would like to see developing in your students.